The Sun's Ray-in-bow
This “shared enlightenment” by D’we is titles: Ra-in-bow When blue skies turn Gray, the sombre mood of the sky reveals the 7-colours of...
Hello Loneliness
Hello Loneliness Its been a while, but I am back again, I thought I would never see you again, Until death cease my love and brought me...
Smitten Willie
Smitten Willie Focus on the Fresh Prince who is Bella’s Heir, Because this Smitten Willie nicknamed Hancock, Must avoid any Concussion...
O Canada
O Canada As the dark land of Cana waxes and we muse (study) Diana moon, I combined Cana with Diana to spell Canadian, Then use the...
The Law of thy Hand According to thy Fingers, States...
The Law of thy Hand according to thy 5-Fingers, states that Thumbs-up to the sky, Points (index) to the Middle of the Ring with the Baby...
"MA'AT" The Law of Ma'at states; That we men must Add sperm, To our female Sub-tract, Who then Multiply after Conception, And then Divide...